Blush Bouquet

This blooming bouquet of blush lilies and striking gerberas will be sure to show that special person in your life just how extraordinary they are. The feminine collection of beaming fuchsia flowers, wrapped in a glamorous ribbon to put the finishing touch on an affordable arrangement. From showing Mum how perfect she is this Mother's Day, to sending best wishes for a new job, the Blush Bouquet is perfect to make...
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Blush Bouquet Flowers
This blooming bouquet of blush lilies and striking gerberas will be sure to show that special person in your life just how extraordinary they are. The feminine collection of beaming fuchsia flowers, wrapped in a glamorous ribbon to put the finishing touch on an affordable arrangement. From showing Mum how perfect she is this Mother's Day, to sending best wishes for a new job, the Blush Bouquet is perfect to make your recipient smile. Fresh premium lilies will arrive as closed buds to protect them during delivery and allows your special someone to enjoy them unfurling!
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